
The GCM recognizes that migration policies need to be developed based on accurate, reliable, comparable data disaggregated by sex, age, migration status and other characteristics relevant in national contexts. Migrant women may face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, and it is important to collect data that reflect their experiences.
Policies, laws and programmes that aim to address the specific needs and priorities of all migrant women and girls need to be informed by comprehensive sex-disaggregated data and gender statistics. This requires adopting a multisectoral approach to collecting and analyzing data and building national capacities on the collection, analysis and dissemination of data on the experiences of women and girls at all stages of migration.
Sex-disaggregated data on remittances are also needed to capture the contributions of women migrant workers to economic growth and sustainable development. Data should be independent, confidential and restricted in use for prosecution. The use of firewalls between immigration enforcement activities and public service provision would prevent data sharing and mitigate data privacy concerns.